
Welcome to Finland Tourism, your home to the best online guides for when you decide to visit Finland. The team here at Finland Tourism is a bit of a mixture. First of all, we have some Finns that live and work from Finland but also some Finns that spread their wings and left the motherland, now residing in places such as America (Minnesota), Canada (Toronto) and even as far afield as Australia (Sydney), how is that for remote work.

The fact that we all grew up in Finland and that half of the team still live there means that we have great knowledge about all topics related to Finland.

Maria is our most active content producer you will probably see her name posted around the website. She is based in the States, but often comes back to Finland to spend time with family and friends.

The rest of the team:

  • Ville
  • Aarne
  • Leena
  • Twain
  • Inari

That is pretty much all there is to know about the operations here at Finland-Tourism.com. If you would like to know more then you can always get in touch with us over on our contact page, we’ll try to get back to you within 2 working days.